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SBP Safety Code




The Board of Directors of South Bay PONY Baseball League has mandated the following Safety Code.  Responsibility for safety procedures belongs to every member of South Bay PONY Community, including, but not exclusive to, Board Members, Coaches, Other Volunteers, Parents, Players, and Fans.


The safety of everyone involved in the South Bay PONY Baseball League is an important emphasis of the league.  We encourage everyone to advise the Board of Directors of any safety concerns or issues that arise throughout the season by sending an email directly to [email protected].



  • Each player, manager, designated coach, umpire, or team parent shall use proper caution and care to prevent injury to him/herself and to others.
  • At no time should “horse play” be permitted on the playing field.
  • No use of cellular phones by managers, coaches, or team parents during games or practices. The children should be the priority and focus should be on the children at all times.
  • Managers will never leave an unattended child at a practice or game.
  • Never hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the South Bay PONY Risk Manager immediately.
  • Players and spectators should be alert at all times for foul balls and errant throws.
  • No alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products of any kind are allowed on the premises at any time.
  • Nobody may manage, coach, or supervise children while under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.



  • Only league approved managers and/or coaches, and team parent are allowed in the dugout on game days.
  • There must be an adult present in the dugout at all times when players are present in the dugout for Sheltand, Pinto and Mustang Divisions.
  • During practice and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.
  • Everyone should make sure the individual they are throwing a ball to is paying attention and expecting the ball.
  • During warm-up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.
  • No baseballs, wiffle balls, or any balls shall be hit against any fencing at South Bay PONY diamonds or practice fields. A ball can ricochet off the fence and cause injury, or fencing can be damaged.
  • On-deck batters are permitted. However, only one batter may be in the on-deck circle at a time. For clarity, in between innings only the player leading off the inning is allowed to be out of the dug out with a bat.
  • All pre-game warm-ups should be performed within the confines of the playing field and not within areas that are frequented by, and thus endangering spectators (i.e., playing catch, pepper, swinging bats etc.).
  • Batters, on-deck batters, and base runners, must wear protective headgear at games, practices, and in batting cage areas. Any time a player is holding a bat the players should be wearing a helmet during practice and/or games. Players must wear protective headgear when acting as base coaches, although the use of players as base coaches is highly discouraged.
  • All pitching limits guidelines shall be strictly enforced based on the MLB Pitch Smart pitch count and associated rest days limitations. Disregard for these rules can result in disciplinary action for the Manager regardless of intent.  
  • Foul balls batted out of playing area will be returned to a coach and not thrown over the fence.
  • Except when a runner is returning to a base, head first slides are not permitted.
  • During sliding practice, bases should not be strapped down or anchored.
  • No persons under the age of 18 may assist in practices or games unless they are a League registered player, and then only with their own team.



  • No swinging bats except in areas designated by the league, or team Managers and only the bat can be swung safely.
  • No Bats shall be stored in the dugout for Shetland Divisions. Bats should be stored outside the dugout, out of reach of players and out of the playing area for Shetland Divisions.
  • All Bats should be stored in a bat rack or some other storage rack regardless of division.
  • Under no circumstance should a bat be swung inside a dugout.
  • No bats should be thrown.
  • Team equipment must be stored within the team dugout or behind screens, and not within the area defined by the umpires as “in play.”
  • Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field of play should be that of the Manager, Coaches and/or Team Parent.
  • Equipment should be inspected regularly for the condition of the equipment as well as for proper fit.
  • All bats shall be approved by USA Baseball and contain a USA Baseball Stamp. Bats with the designation of “Tee Ball” can only be used in Shetland Division and are prohibited in all other divisions.
  • Male catchers must wear a protective cup and a long model chest protector.
  • Female catchers must wear long model chest protectors.
  • All catchers must wear chest protectors, shin guards and catcher’s helmet.
  • Catchers may not catch, whether warming up a pitcher, in practices, or in games, without wearing full catcher’s gear and an athletic cup as described above.
  • All Pitching Machine Rules must be strictly adhered to.
  • Shoes with metal spikes or cleats are not permitted. Shoes with molded cleats are permissible.
  • Players will not wear watches, rings, pins, jewelry or other metallic items during practices or games. (Exception: Jewelry that alerts medical personnel to a specific condition is permissible and this must be taped in place.)
  • Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide “safety glasses” for their children.


Fields and Facilities

  • No games or practices will be held when weather or field conditions are poor, particularly when lighting is inadequate.
  • Any field deficiencies shall be reported promptly to the Umpire (if during a game) and to the South Bay PONY Field Director(s) and the South Bay PONY Risk Manager.
  • No throwing rocks.
  • No climbing fences or any other structures at any South Bay PONY diamonds or practice fields.
  • No swinging on dugout roofs.
  • No children under the age of 10 are permitted in the Snack Bar.
  • No playing in the parking lots at any time.
  • No smoking is permitted at any field.
  • No pets are permitted on the fields at any time.
  • Speed Limit is 5 miles per hour in roadways and parking lots.
  • All gates to the fields must remain closed at all times. After players have entered or left the playing field, gates should be closed and secured.
  • Observe all posted signs.


First Aid

  • First Aid Kits are issued to each team Manager during the pre-season.  Managers should contact their Division Commissioner for any additional First Aid Supplies throughout the season.
  • There are additional Ice Packs available in the Snack Stand at Costa Field A.
  • No medication will be taken at any facility unless administered directly by the child’s parent. This includes aspirin and Tylenol. Managers and Coaches are not permitted to administer medication to any child.
  • No one is allowed on the playing field with open wounds at any time. Wounds should be treated and properly bandaged.


South Bay PONY Baseball
Manhattan Beach, California 90266

Email: [email protected]

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