In the Shetland Divisions, players can request to be on a team with their friends. Be sure to enter your friend requests during registration. You can go back to your registration form at any time before registration closes to adjust your requests. We will do our best to accommodate friend requests, but they are not guaranteed. If one of the parents offers to be the head coach, that virtually guarantees that your group of friends will be able to play together (pending league approval for competitiveness).
In the Pinto Divisions and older, we hold player evaluations in January and then run player drafts to create balanced teams and competitive divisions. While we'd all like to play with our friends, experience has shown us that it is better for player development if we have more balanced teams and competitive games. The kids will have a chance to play against all of their friends in the league, and they will have a chance to make some new friends on their team.
During the Early Bird Registration period, registration fees are fully refundable.
During the Regular Registration period, registration fees are refundable minus a $75 processing fee.
After the Regular Registration period closes, registration fees are non-refundable. At that time we order equipment, order uniforms, start forming teams, and begin many of the logistical tasks that are necessary to get the season started on time.